Sunday, September 28, 2008

9/28/09 - I was able to take a helicopter flight above the fire today. This is the helicopter we took, an Alouette A-Star.

Taking off from the Hood River airport. There are several types of helicopters working the fire and one fixed wing aircraft.

Here we are approaching the Northern slopes of Mt Hood above the fire.

This is Cloud Cap Inn which is a famous building on the mountain that has been there for over a hundred year. The fire burned all around it but the fire fighers were able to save all the buildings.

There are a few smoldering hot spots up on the mountain but for the most part there is no active fire at this time.

Here are some burned areas on the Northeast side of the mountain.

...and on the North side of the mountain.

This is the road up to Cloud Cap Inn. There are huge machines that are taking down dangerous trees, or snags, so it is safe to travel up to the Inn.

This is the Parkdale lava flow between the fire and fire camp. It is a 7,700 year old lava flow from Mt Hood.

1 comment:

oldsloat said...

Excellent pix! I was just up at Mt Hood a few weeks ago. Gorgeous country...if it wasn't for Nov, Dec, and Jan (REALLY gray) I might move back there.